Beneficial effects of energy treatments

Equilibr’ et Minceur
Waiting Room
Treatment Room
Treatments for everybody

What ever the problem is there is always a solution, you just have to make time ! Finding someone to confide in and to talk to, energy healing is natural.

I generally suggest three sessions:

- 1st
- 2nd

- 3rd
• (2 hours) Meeting, discussing your problems, rebalancing and reharmonising of your energies
• (1 h 30) Discussing the differences felt since the last session.
• The cleansing of the Chakras.
• (1 h 30) Discussing the differences felt since the last session.
• Reharmonisation of the Chakras, organs and the body in general.
Shorter sessions can be arranged for different problems.

After each session you will feel a difference, often the face is less rigid,tense, the same for the shoulders, they feel lighter and the back, the chest area – Solar Plexus feels more open, feeling less agressive, calmer etc... These feelings, changes, differ from person to person.
You listen to the soft music in the background, adapt your breathing, listen to my voice, You are completely relaxed... Your body and it’s energies react to my voice, my hands, the minerals and cristals, the Tibetan bowl..... If you feel your emotions rising to the surface, the tears that you’ve kept hidden for so long, let them go.

A session is like “a voyage”.

You listen to the soft music in the background, adapt your breathing, listen to my voice, You are completely relaxed...

Your body and it’s energies react to my voice, my hands, the minerals and cristals , the Tibetan bowl ... If you feel your emotions rising to the surface, the tears that you’ve kept hidden for so long, let them go.

Try it !

Children are very receptive to these treatments.